
Indamturuti Mana


Indamthurutti Mana is an ancient house in the town of Vaikom , Kerala . It is situated at Vilipada, to the north of the famous Mahadeva Temple at Vaikam. This mana was the residence of the Indamthurutti Namboothiri family, which had the hereditary right of naduvazhi under the Vadakkumkur royal family and the supremacy of 48 Brahmin families . This house was specially noticed during the Vaikom Satyagraha . Mahatma Gandhi wanted to discuss the demands of the Satyagrahis with Indamthurutti Neelakandan Namboothiripad, the head of the temple administration . It is said that it is not customary to go and see anyone and those who want to see can come and see. According to Namboothiripad, Gandhi and his followers who came to Mana were considered as untouchables in contact with them and were not allowed to enter the four knots, instead they were made to sit on a seat prepared by a special curtain on the porch. The earlier three-hour discussion between Nambiathiri and Gandhi did not lead to any agreement.

Contact Details
Indamturuti Mana
- 686141
Vaikam, Kerala, India

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